Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, April 1976

Only three stories as serial and a long fact article take a lot of space.

Rebounder • [Chap Foey Rider • 3] • shortstory by Hayford Peirce
The Galactic Postal Union has some reservations about humans as they are violent and have wars. The representative of earth turns that to a benefit. A short humorous story, nothing very impressive. **½
Transfigurement • shortstory by Bob Buckley
Some of the humans in the Mars live in domed cities, part of them have been transformed and are able to on open. The relations between the factions aren’t too good. An elderly senator tries to find the “changelings” to make some amends. A fairly readable story with a not too surprising end twist. (The changelings age very slowly and live for centuries). ***+
Quarry • shortstory by Mary H. Schaub
A scientist is perfecting his latest invention: An android assassin who can alter its appearances at will when he dies from a heart attack. The android has disappeared. A former friend of the scientist is drafted by a totalitarian government to find the android as the government wants to use it as soon as possible. A fairly nice story, with an expected end twist. (the android has been designed to fight against the government). ***

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